Happy Peace Day!

Dr. Paula Fellingham with women at Global Women's Summit in India


I am thrilled that there is a Peace holiday! So this is an ideal time to assess and talk about what we are each doing to bring about more peace.

My friends, as we know, peace begins in our hearts. And then it is nurtured and developed in the home. And then peace can spread throughout humanity. Heart, home, humanity.
These days I’m laser-focused on this subject because of the GLOBAL PEACE INITIATIVE we are launching in November at the World Parliament on Spirituality.
I invite you to join me as we take just a moment – right now – to think about peace.
Do we have peaceful hearts? Do we contribute to the peace in our homes? What, exactly, are we doing to help our brothers and sisters in other nations enjoy more peace?
I invite you to join me – and women worldwide – as we implement a PEACE MASTER ACTION PLAN (a Peace MAP) in 196 nations. Peace Ambassadors will collaborate with thousands and then millions of individuals and organizations. Would you like to know more? I’d love to tell you more! 🙂

We can enjoy more peace, my friends. I am dedicated to our goal “to increase the level of love, prosperity, and peace on Earth.”

Are you with me?

If you feel compelled to move PEACE forward in our world, I encourage you to join me at The World Parliament on Spirituality this November. We need your help in creating this Master Action Plan! I would be delighted to meet you there and to see you involved in this amazing cause!

Learn more about The World Parliament On Spirituality HERE.

I send you my love….

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