George W. Bush, Former President of the United States

"I appreciate your commitment to strengthening our nation."

Barack Obama, Former President of the United States

"Thank you for helping to address the most pressing needs in our country. Thank you for your devotion to service and for doing all you can to shape a better tomorrow for our great nation."

Joe Biden, President of the United States

"By sharing your time and passion, you are helping discover and deliver solutions to the challenges we face - solutions that we need now more than

ever. We are living in a moment that calls for hope and light and love. Hope for our futures, light to see our way forward, and love for one another... you are providing all three. On behalf of the American people, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to you."

Marianne Williamson, Best-Selling Author and Speaker

"Paula Fellingham is a force for good in the lives of women across the world as she educates and empowers them. She is an inspiration to us all. I love you, Paula."

Colin Powell, Former U.S. Secretary of State

“Paula, you can be very proud of the good work you’re doing. I highly commend your efforts.”

Cheryl Cartwright, Canada

“I had grown afraid of myself, afraid of life, not interested in even living, yet when Paula Fellingham spoke, it was as if an albatross of emotional pain was lifted from my psyche. The more I listened, the more I could again feel my inner spirit coming back to life. As I heard her speak to my truth, I remembered what it was to hope again, to believe in myself again, to look forward to enjoying life again. To love and feel strength again!

Paula has worked with me to improve and gain the upper hand again on every aspect of my life - from losing weight, to empowering me to improve difficult relationships, to dealing with family issues that weighed on me, to looking for solace in all the wrong places for the wrong reasons, AND Paula helped me create and build a successful business that I love!

Paula’s compassion and amazing expertise in so many areas of life have truly impacted me and helped me regain the passion for life that I had lost! Anyone who has the opportunity to let Paula Fellingham mentor them will be truly, truly blessed.”

Linda Webb, CEO, RITE Academy

"Our company, RITE Academy, continues to grow, as we have taught to almost 350 police, correction, and public agencies our program of Racial Intelligence. We have been so blessed to help so many public service professionals along the way. All of this could not have been possible without your amazing tutelage."

Raequel London - Event Attendee

"I fell in love with you and everything you stand for as soon as I met you!!! You're truly inspiring and an Absolute Gem and gift to women worldwide. I salute you and I am honored to stand beside you Paula!"

Gerald Nisasera, Event Attendee

"You have made me desire become a better man in this world. Keep it up!!!"

Gilbert Beingana, Uganda

You have taught us how to love and give. I will live by that example to radiate love and joy to so many people around me and beyond. You're an inspiration to us.

Shanna Spicer, Author of Make Room For Love

Words will never be adequate to thank you for your words, energy, example, passion for your work and radiance of character! Just let me say how very much the past months with you have been so very needed by me, to keep my dreams alive! Thanks for all your shares! My own visions have expanded and you have made a big difference in my life.

Thank you for giving me many new tools and ideas and especially for giving me the renewed confidence and improved skills, to take bigger, bolder steps in the coming months ahead!

Thanks for being super amazing and having big bold dreams and for your vision for our circle of sisters as well as for our big global family!

You have made a huge difference in my life by the space you hold for families, and prosperity and peace organizations all around the world! May God always continue to bless and protect you and each of us and our families and pave the roads ahead as we each move forward to make a difference….one event, and one day at a time!

Anne Marie Collette, Canada

"Paula, traveling with you to India transformed me. To be in your presence and the presence of the group was delightful. I valued our conversations and the teachings you shared with us so openly and authentically. To have had this opportunity is a privilege and an honour. I will forever cherish these memories. By observing you as an inspiring global leader and speaker, I learned the do’s and don’ts, for which I am very grateful. Who I was before embarking on this journey to India has changed. I have been shifted me to a higher dimension on many realms."

Ceciliy Mwaniki - London, England

"I met Paula Fellingham at a Global Women’s Summit that I flew from London to attend. It was a fantastic two day conference that completely rejuvenated me and my business. I came back well energized and I've not looked back since! Because of Paula's teachings, and the things I learned at the event, I became like a new person and a much better businesswoman. I am now running a themed, empowering network for women ( And I recently hosted a very successful Global Women’s Summit in Great Britain. Thank you, Paula, and your team ~ you changed my life!"

Ambassador Mohktar Lamani, Former Director of the OIC (working with all Islamic Nations) at the United Nations

"Paula Fellingham has the wonderful ability of empowering people to improve their lives and their relationships. As she strengthens individuals and families, she is strengthening communities and nations by providing solutions that work."

Jill Donnelly, Former President of the World Movement of Mothers, Paris, France

“Paula, you’re doing wonderful things to strengthen families in America. The good work you’re doing is needed now, more than ever before in the history of our world, as we sadly watch the disintegration of the family. It’s happening in every nation on the face of the earth. If only we had more women like you to lead families toward a brighter tomorrow!”

Jack Canfield, Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul

“Paula, best wishes for your continued good work.”

Val McCloud – Savannah, GA

“The time has come. I'm on a fast track now. Much has manifested since the Global Women’s Summit in Savannah. I'm in the early steps of having my own television show, clothing line and specialty food/water product line. I've also recently partnered with Delta to promote and expand their global healthy initiatives. I am their official spokesperson and will participate in their annual {my first} 5K on May 17 in Atlanta. All things are possible when we believe."

Linda Pringle Evans, Columbus, Ohio

“Things are going extremely well for me. I am blessed and I thank YOU and the Global Women’s Summit experience for assisting my journey. The connections I made are everlasting. Because of you I have realized my 5 core services and thanks to the Global Women’s Summit, God, and Paula, I have also found myself!”

Susan Williams, Solvang, CA

“Amazing, empowering, rejuvenating conference. The time flew by! Very glad I came.”

Gail Page, CA

“What a fantastic two days! I learned and re-learned so much. How lucky we were to have you visit our town and share your gifts with us. You and your group changed lives and helped us remember what is good in the world. What a blessing to all of us that you came! Thank you so much.”

Lauren Hemming (20 years old), CA

“Seeing all the powerful, confident philanthropists and leaders of my community at this Summit truly inspired me to make my own difference in the world, while also giving me hope for the bright future that women have in all communities.”

Valerie Feutte, CA

“The Summit presentations were both informational and inspirational. I learned new information and felt that I was not alone in my fears. I know now that my goals ARE attainable!”

Galina Richardson, Moscow, Russia

“I LOVED this Global Women’s Summit! Thank you so much for coming and bringing such wonderful information!”

Shar Scofield, Solvang, CA

“LOVED IT!!!! Thank you.”

Jeanne Madrid, CA

“I gleened that I’ve been on the right track in life. I will now empower younger women to “DO”. I loved you all!!”

Diane Curriden, CA

“I learned that my life is right in line with all that you represent. I’m so happy you are educating women in this way. Thank you!”

Myra Howard (City Council Member), Solvang, CA

“This was a delightful experience!”

Heather Tucker, CA

“I learned SO MUCH today! Turning negative into positive, love who I am now, overcoming obstacles that get in the way of my dreams/goals… and SO many other things that will help me in my business and in my life. I love you guys!”

Michelle Alexander, CA

“At this Global Women’s Summit I met some AMAZING women! Thank you. My goals are now in sight. I can see them, and I will DO them all!”

Global Women’s Summit Event Director ~ Ingun Bol, Netherlands

"When The WIN invited me to be the Global Women's Summit Event Director in the Netherlands and CEO Paula Fellingham told me about their vision of women helping women and families worldwide, there was no doubt in my mind that I would do this.

It has been an amazing and very rewarding journey. Meeting all these fabulous women while preparing the event and meeting with all the award winners was like a gift to me. My network of powerful women grew every day, not just in the Netherlands but worldwide. The energy during the Summit was unstoppable so we all continued to meet together each month after the Summit.”

GWS Event Director ~ Lesley Dewar, Australia

“Money could not buy the amazing expansion of my business and the dramatic widening of my circle of influence that happened because I was the Event Director at a Global Women’s Summit in Australia. We all enjoyed a fabulous event and the networking was superb! I will always be grateful for this wonderful opportunity!”

GWS Event Director ~ Roberta Budvietas, Auckland, New Zealand

“Being involved with Global Women’s Summit was a very interesting growth experience. As a result of the Summit, I now have many new friends around the world!”

GWS Event Director ~ Linda Pringle-Evans, Columbus, Ohio, USA

“It has been my pleasure hosting two Global Women’s Summits in Columbus, Ohio. I can honestly say being a GWS Event Director opened doors of opportunity for me both personally and professionally. I have become acquainted with some amazing women locally, nationally, and internationally.

Global Women’s Summits serve to uplift women personally, and in business and to expand opportunities around the world.”

GWS Event Director ~ Patricia Varley, Maui, Hawaii, USA

“All the women who attended our Global Women’s Summit in Hawaii were thrilled and so glad they came! The learning, the loving, the laughing, and the heart-to-heart connecting made it a day I’ll never, ever forget. A huge THANK YOU to Paula and the Women’s Information Network ~ what a fabulous event!!!”

Kristin Johnson, Melbourne, Australia

“Paula, it has been very inspiring to learn from you! To see your beautiful face and magnetic angelic smile and hear your voice and learn your message has certainly made me feel inspired, like never before in my life. It was an absolute joy to meet you, a real unexpected highlight for me. Who would have thought I would meet my very own hero! Thank you so much for being the amazing woman you are.”

Gina Takhar, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

“What a blessing and joy it was to hear you speak at the Summit. Thank you! You are a blessing to me.”

Coumba Marenah, Southfield, MI (by way of Gambia, Africa)

“It was my greatest honor and pleasure to meet you. Since I retired from the United Nations, I was searching for someone like you who I share the same mission, values and compassion to continue my over 40 years of women issues and gender equality at all levels, girls education and mission towards eradicating poverty globally.

God has brought us together at a place when the light shines on the path to achieving our shared goal. I pledge my commitment to working together in making women all over the world smile 365 days of the year. Yes, we can.”

Deneen Morgan-Burley, Baltimore, MD

“I felt lifted after I heard you speak. I have always wanted to meet Dr. Paula Fellingham, and now I have! I have always wanted to speak to her, and I did! I have always wanted to work with her, and now I will! Paula, you are an INSPIRATION to us all. I am thankful that you said ‘Yes’ to women, and you teach us that ‘We can!’. You are a blessing”.

Leimoni Dacay, CA

“Dr. Fellingham, you are truly an inspirational speaker, reaching out to ALL participants, men and women alike. Your gentle nature became apparent as soon as I heard you begin to speak. Your standing ovation was a small acknowledgement of your powerful, gentle message.”

Lisa J. Parks, CA

“I enjoyed Dr. Paula Fellingham’s presentation more than you can ever imagine. It touched me so much that I want to learn how to go out and help other women in this world.

I have traveled extensively and love learning about different cultures and teaching others English and other skills. Paula has inspired me to continue this and hopefully I can learn from her how to inspire others and help women in other countries believe in themselves and become whatever they want to be.

I have always taught my daughters as they grew up that if they believe in something, they could make it happen. Thank you so much, Paula, for enforcing this and spreading it throughout our world.”

Charessa Johnson, San Diego, CA

“Paula is an amazing woman with a positive attitude that in just 10 minutes of her speaking motivated me to be “BETTER”. I am looking forward to working with her and other women to motivate one another to be our best. This is an amazing opportunity to just be happy!”

Jean Jackson, Naples, FL

“Paula was so wonderful! I related to her immediately – it was as if she was speaking directly to me. Thank you, Paula!”

Julie Toh, Vancouver, Canada

“Paula, I love your positive, uplifting, and joyful presentation. You are a light. Thank you for coming!”

Claudette Edwards, New York City, NY

“Thank you so much, Paula. God bless you!

Cheryl Hargrove, Virginia

“After my husband’s passing I became a widow and learned first hand how to share how I overcame the many challenges and obstacles during the lonely widow’s walk with God. I want to share my success stories of how to overcome financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual attacks that come against widows and how to overcome them with power, joy, and confidence. Than you for your awesome friendship, love, and opportunity to help other women.

Flordeliza V. Mitchell, San Diego, CA

“Dr. Paula Fellingham, you are a great speaker with an inspiring testimony. I was touched! This is my heart desire; to be used for God’s glory. May your efforts be blessed and grow exponentially. To God be the glory!”

Alecia Garnecki, Atlanta, GA

“When Dr. Fellingham began speaking at the Summit, the sound of her voice and its humbleness caused the individuals within the large room to be still and attentive to what she was saying. There was no movement throughout her allotted time to speak. There was no conversation among the audience that caused any distractions to others. Her presence and soft spoken voice caused a calmness throughout the room. I was amazed at the crowd’s reaction to her words.”

Deneen Morgan-Burley, Baltimore, MD

“Paula, I want to take the time to thank you for doing this for WOMEN. We need all of the encouragement, mentoring, and uplifting that we can get. More importantly, however, we need the LOVE. That's what each of us felt radiate from you. I am grateful that our paths crossed and we are now a part of one another's lives. I am so happy and thankful to be able to step forward serve. May we continue to let our light shine as we do all we must to continue to be "Women Helping Women to live Our Best Lives.” God bless you. Keep smiling and making a difference in the lives of other women.”

Chris Warwick, NY

“I think that what you are doing is awesome! Your focus is on empowering women, which I love. I pray you continue to be successful. Keep on loving women into realizing their identity!”

Beverly Brink, Merced, CA

“Your trainings are absolutely priceless! I learned more from Dr. Paula Fellingham in a short time than I learned during years of schooling. Paula, you have totally changed my life and I can never, ever thank you enough. (My husband thanks you too!) Keep up the great work and let’s take this training to every person on the planet!!”

Juanita VanDomburg, San Francisco, CA

“Before I met Paula Fellingham I didn’t really believe I could apply the character-strengthening principles she teaches into my life. However, after only two coaching sessions I know that old dogs can learn new tricks because my life has changed dramatically! I know now that I can do anything! My life is improving daily because I took the time and made the effort to participate in Dr. Paula Fellingham’s event. Everyone needs this training, but until you attend you don’t realize how much you need it!”

Debi Whitney, Draper, UT

“I left Paula Fellingham’s event energized and full of thoughts and ideas! As soon as I got home I reviewed with my husband all I had learned, and together we came up with some new ideas! It was a wonderful experience being with other women and feeling their energy and excitement! I want to thank you for this wonderful opportunity!”

Susan Renteria, San Francisco, CA

“Wow! What a fantastic, informative and inspiring event! The speakers at the training were superb as well as the breakout sessions. The camaraderie felt amongst the attendees was noticeable immediately. What wonderful lives women have! Thank you Paula for sharing your amazing business with all of us. You and your team spoke to my heart and my life will be better for having been in your presence.”

Bill Elsberg, Denver, CO

"Paula Fellingham had attendees on their feet four times during her presentation as she taught her powerful principles. With clarity and passion she shows how people can overcome every obstacle and live extraordinary lives. Paula Fellingham is the real deal."

DJ Johnson, Alpine, UT

“I loved this event!!! The energy, inspiration, and practical knowledge was absolutely incredible. This is the kind of day you remember for a lifetime! Thank you Dr. Paula Fellingham!”

Carol Thacker, Phoenix, AZ

“I loved this event and Paula Fellingham’s presentations! Thank you so much!! I appreciate the focus on real issues that real women face. I’ll never, ever be the same.”

Kathy McGroulen, Seattle, WA

“I needed today! I just turned 50 a week ago and have been pretty discouraged. I don’t feel discouraged anymore. You have given me confidence and the desire to be even better this “second half “of my life. Thanks for an incredible event! Thank you, Paula Fellingham.”

Karen Whitaker, Redding, CA

“Paula Fellingham’s presentation was so uplifting and inspiring! It was like she was talking with me one-on-one.”

Cheryl Wright, Boise, ID

“This event was wonderful - very fun, informative, and uplifting. I love Dr. Paula Fellingham! She is fantastic!”

Rebecca Royce, Lehi, UT

“This event changed my life! It energized me to make immediate improvements at home and in my business.”

Carol Tom, Austin, Texas

“I started achieving my goals immediately. Paula’s support for my well-being and enthusiastic belief in my ability to be all I want to be has changed my life forever!”

Lisa Anderson, Seattle, WA

“Thank you Paula! You helped me know – for the first time in my life – that I am worth a million. NOW I know that my dreams to help others will become a reality. Thank you, Paula, and the other amazing women on your team!”

Cynthia Kennemer, Visalia, CA

“Since meeting Dr. Paula I know now that there are no limits to my success!”

Juanita VanDomburg, San Francisco, CA

“Before I met Paula Fellingham I didn’t really believe I could apply the character-strengthening principles she teaches into my life. However, after her event I know that old dogs can learn new tricks because my life has changed dramatically! I know now that I can do anything! My life is improving daily because I took the time and made the effort to attend her event. Everyone needs this information, but until you attend you don’t realize how much you need it!”

Tiffany Berg, Salt Lake City, UT

“It’s true that today’s women are looking for success in their businesses, but women are also looking for success principles that not only ignite their wealth, but also their marriages, their parenting and their global involvement. Dr. Paula Fellingham teaches the priceless tools that transform your vision on all of these! I have never heard anyone as good as Paula Fellingham, and I’ve heard the best in the business!”

Linda Braithwaite, Glendale, AZ

“Dr. Paula Fellingham not only shows you how to find your WHY, she gives you the HOW, step-by-step in bite-size pieces that WORK!”

Melanie Perry, Phoenix, AZ

“Attending your event was powerful and life changing. A whole new world has opened for me and I send you my sincerest, heartfelt thanks.”

Jackie Wilkes, Saratoga Springs, UT

"Paula, your principles are absolutely life changing. You are truly a gift to the world!"

Lori King, San Diego, California

“Dr. Paula Fellingham is the most inspirational, highly qualified speaker I've ever heard! She speaks to people’s hearts like you can't imagine unless you're there. Paula causes profound life changes and tangible results! She has a God-given gift. I encourage everyone to experience – not attend - experience her events!”

Jodi Wilding, American Mothers, Inc, Sacramento, CA

“Paula Fellingham had every meeting attendee absolutely mesmerized. She combines her unbelievable wealth of knowledge with humor and passion that’s contagious. I found myself laughing along with everyone as Paula shared stories and examples that were all too ‘close to home’ and then tearing up as Paula shared insights and principles that touched my heart and will help me change my life. Paula Fellingham is, hands down, the best keynote speaker I have ever heard. She is over-the-top fabulous!”

Sharan Ro, Honolulu, HI

“Paula is the best speaker I’ve ever heard! Immediately after she spoke people stood in long lines waiting to meet her. Why? Because her principles and her passion lift you – they make you want to become your ideal self – and she tells you exactly how to do it!”

Alvin Day, Tampa, FL

“Paula Fellingham understands what it takes to break through barriers and excel like never before, and she puts it within your reach. Anyone who desires success at the highest level - run, don’t walk, to hear her! Paula inspired me to go farther, reach higher, and attain more than I ever have before!”

Amy Moeller, University Student, Orem, UT

“Dr. Fellingham, after I heard you speak I decided that I should follow your advice and think of my situations more positively. Things got better after that. Day by day I am learning to juggle the challenges as well as the joys. The outlook for this year is a good one. I hear you speak to me often (in my mind) and you remind me of the good that is in my life and the power that I have to keep the light. Thank you for all your encouragement, support, and being a light in my life.”

Marie Kothera, San Diego, CA

“Dear Paula, you are an absolute INSPIRATION to women around the whole world!!!! I am so honored to know you. I would love to work with you and touch lives of so many women and their families.”

Paul Brockbank, former VP, Franklin-Covey

“Paula, you are gifted and special – nothing short of inspiring. Your life is amazing and you are incredible. You have the code cracked in a wonderful way.”

Denise Lyles-Cook, Los Angeles, CA

“You, dear Paula Fellingham, are one of the most gracious and most divine persons I have ever met. You are truly a gift and treasure from God. I am blessed to know you. Thank you for your wisdom and for the love you share with others so freely as a global mentor for women.”

Peace Kyamureku, Tokyo, Japan

“Paula, thank you for being an encouragement to me when I am discouraged, a light of hope when I feel hopeless and helpless. Your message at the Summit changed me forever.

Edel Quinn Odongo, Nairobi, Kenya, Africa

“Paula, you are a great blessing to me and to the women in the Kibera Slums in Nairobi. Because of your help and support, what is happening in the Slums could not have been achieved. The end result, without you, would have been that the women would continue to suffer. We all need one another to make things happen. And so much is happening now. Many, many women are becoming entrepreneurs and bringing their families out of poverty. I thank you with all of my heart for all you are doing for me and for the women in Kibera.”

Coumba Marenah, Southfield, MI (by way of Gambia, Africa)

“It was my greatest honor and pleasure to meet you. Since I retired from the United Nations I was searching for someone like you who I share the same mission, values and compassion to continue my over 40 years of women issues and gender equality at all levels, girls education and mission towards eradicating poverty globally. God has brought us together at a place when the light shines on the path to achieving our shared goal. I pledge my commitment to working together in making women all over the world smile 365 days of the year. Yes we can.”

Keziah Gerosano, Philippines

"Thank you so much for being such a loving and inspiring mentor to me. Since I met you, my perception towards change caused by women empowerment was enlightened as I have never met someone as passionate and as loving as you are. Dr. Paula, you have been such a blessing to my life as you have contributed to leading me to the path that I am right now. I just want to say thank you so much for everything. I am so grateful to have you in my life."

Nakalema Jovian, aged 50, Uganda

"Dr. Paula taught big lessons which I didn't know about. She taught us about love and self belief and we wish she comes back to Uganda for more teaching."

Bagendandagye Jeninah.., aged 46, Uganda

"We thank the great woman Dr. Paula, who kindly and graciously put wisdom into us."

Olivia Arineitwe. Aged 30, Uganda

"Dr. Paula inspired my life to the extent that I am now full of love inside me and I also learnt about self esteem - to love myself, too."

Sylivia Busingye, Uganda

" I will always live to remember Dr. Paula's teachings and how kind and down to earth she was. She is so dear to us in Uganda."

Bridget Turya, Aged 70, Uganda

"Dr. Paula loves God and that is always key to a person who inspires others"

Janet Omugurusi, Uganda

"Dr. Paula, we will love to see you again. You tremendously helped Ugandans through your wonderful teachings"

Arinda Jennifer, Uganda

"Thank you Dr. Paula for hearing our problems. We pray for you in every way for God to help you."

Gerald Nasasira, Uganda

“My people here send greetings and regards to you and they have asked me to tell you that they received a seed of love and gratitude from your teaching in those rural areas we visited and those seeds are yielding well."