Choose Your Package

Personal Mentoring with Dr. Paula

I personally mentor only ten women a year. Would you like to be one of them?

Bronze Package

Empower & Elevate


6 Month Program

Designed for women who are committed to creating meaningful changes in their lives however, they need structured, focused support. This package delivers foundational mentorship in a concentrated timeframe.

  • 1 Monthly One-on-One Mentoring Call (90 minutes): Personalized, high-impact sessions focused on clarity, goal achievement, and personal growth.

  • Bi-weekly Accountability Check-ins (via email): Ongoing support through personalized progress updates and feedback.

  • Exclusive Access to Paula’s Courses:

    Access to Believe It! Become It! and two additional course's of your choice.

  • Quarterly Group Coaching Call (90 minutes): A live session with Paula and other mentees for shared insights, support, and networking.

  • Access to Private Book Club: Participation in Paula’s Believe It! Become It! Book Club with activities designed for rapid personal and professional growth.

  • Digital Copies of Paula’s Books: Mentees receive all of Paula’s books to support their personal and professional journeys.

  • Priority Email Support: Guaranteed responses within 48 hours for ongoing support and questions.

*Limited space available

Silver Package

Transform & Thrive


6-Month Program

This package is perfect for women ready for a deeper, more immersive experience. Clients in this tier are committed to significant life transformations and will benefit from closer, ongoing mentorship. This tier includes international travel with Dr. Paula.

  • 2 Monthly One-on-One Mentoring Calls (90 minutes each): In-depth, personal mentoring focused on overcoming challenges and accelerating personal and professional transformation.

  • Weekly personal calls with Dr. Paula (via phone or Zoom): Consistent communication to maintain momentum and enjoy continuous alignment with goals and growth.

  • Priority Email & Phone Support: Direct access to Paula's personal cell phone with a guaranteed 24-hour response time.

  • Full Access to All Courses and Masterclasses: Unlimited access to Paula’s digital resources, including all of her courses and masterclasses.

  • Quarterly Group Mastermind Session (90 minutes): Join an exclusive Mastermind Group with other Silver and Gold Mentees for collective growth and peer support.

  • Personalized Growth Plan: Receive a customized roadmap every quarter tailored to your personal and professional objectives.

  • Access to Private Book Club: Participation in Paula’s Believe It! Become It! Book Club with activities designed for rapid personal and professional growth.

  • Signed Physical Copies of All Paula’s Books and Workbooks.

  • VIP Event Invitations: Early access and 50% discounts for Paula’s live events, retreats and cruises.

  • VIP Invitation to International Events: All Silver Mentees can travel with Dr. Paula to her international events. Meeting and networking with global leaders is included.

    *Transportation and other travel costs not included

*Limited space available

Gold Package

Lead & Legacy


12-Month Program

This is the ultimate elite mentorship package for high-level women leaders who seek to create a lasting legacy in their personal and professional lives. With full access to Paula’s expertise and resources, this package offers an intensive, year-long journey of personal and professional transformation. This tier also includes all-inclusive international travel with Dr. Paula and networking opportunities with global leaders.

  • Introductions to Global Leaders in every nation of your choice.

  • Weekly One-on-One Mentoring Calls (90 minutes each): Intensive personal mentorship aimed at achieving extraordinary results across all areas of life, including leadership, business, and personal growth.

  • Unlimited Email and Text Access: Direct, real-time communication with Dr. Paula for continuous guidance and support.

    *If unavailable, Dr. Paula will respond ASAP.

  • Personalized Leadership & Life Strategy Plan: A custom-tailored strategy plan designed for long-term success in all areas of your life.

  • Monthly Private Mastermind Call (90 minutes): High-level Mastermind Group sessions with other Silver and Gold Mentees for peer learning, networking, and support.

  • In-Person VIP Retreat (Annual): A luxury Retreat with Dr. Paula and fellow Gold Mentees, focusing on leadership, personal growth, and legacy building.

  • Personalized Action Plans and Progress Tracking: Receive customized action steps after every session, with ongoing tracking and adjustments to ensure continuous progress.

  • Full Access to All Exclusive Content: Includes all books, workbooks, courses, and early access to any new materials.

  • All-Inclusive Elite Invitation to International Events: All Gold Mentees can travel with Dr. Paula to her international events. Meeting and networking with global leaders is included.

    *All transportation and all other costs are included for Gold Mentees.

  • Personalized Endorsement for Your Business, Book, Course, or Project: A personalized endorsement or collaboration with Dr. Paula that will elevate your business or initiative.

  • Exclusive Networking Opportunities: Gain access to Dr. Paula’s network of global leaders and influencers for potential collaborations and support.

*Limited space available

Dear ones,

I am blessed to have over 200 testimonials from women who love what I teach, and I’ve received awards from the last four Presidents of the United States.

After 40 years of teaching and training, I now personally mentor only a few women who are ready to excel in every area of their lives.

Are you ready to excel like you’ve never excelled before?

If so, schedule a call with me and we’ll both see we’re an ideal fit for each other!

With so much love,


“Thank you so much for being such an amazing mentor! Without you – without your support and your guidance I wouldn’t be where I am today. I am a millionaire, and because of you I am also a confident speaker and trainer in five nations, I am the author of a book, I am healthy, well-organized, and highly productive. And, best of all, I found the man of my dreams and I LOVE MY LIFE! Thank you!!!”

George W. Bush, Former President of the United States

"I appreciate your commitment to strengthening our nation."

Barack Obama, Former President of the United States

"Thank you for helping to address the most pressing needs in our country. Thank you for your devotion to service and for doing all you can to shape a better tomorrow for our great nation."

Marianne Williamson, Best-Selling Author and Speaker

"Paula Fellingham is a force for good in the lives of women across the world as she educates and empowers them. She is an inspiration to us all. I love you, Paula."

Colin Powell, Former U.S. Secretary of State

“Paula, you can be very proud of the good work you’re doing. I highly commend your efforts.”

Linda Webb, CEO, RITE Academy

"Our company, RITE Academy, continues to grow, as we have taught to almost 350 police, correction, and public agencies our program of Racial Intelligence. We have been so blessed to help so many public service professionals along the way. All of this could not have been possible without your amazing tutelage."

Shanna Spicer, Mentee

"Words will never be adequate to thank you for your words, energy, example, passion for your work and radiance of character! Just let me say how very much the past months with you have been so very needed by me, to keep my dreams alive! Thanks for all your shares! My own visions have expanded and you have made a big difference in my life.

Thank you for giving me many new tools and ideas and especially for giving me the renewed confidence and improved skills, to take bigger, bolder steps in the coming months ahead!"

Raequel London, Event Attendee

"I fell in love with you and everything you stand for as soon as I met you!!! You're truly inspiring and an Absolute Gem and gift to women worldwide. I salute you and I am honored to stand beside you Paula!"